C.M.A.K. Cerkno

From Culture.si

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Cerkljanski Mladinski Alternativni Klub
Bevkova 11, SI-5282 Cerkno
Phone386 (0) 5 997 1536

C.M.A.K. Cerkno 2010 Tinckaua bytes and CMAK Photo Marko Keber.jpgTraining a grapevine, during working to refurbish new premises, photograph exhibited in the exhibition Tinčkaua bytes and CMAK, C.M.A.K. Cerkno

The Cerkljanski Mladinski Alternativni Klub [The Cerkno Youth Alternative Club], acronymed as C.M.A.K., got established in 1997 as a self-organised, non-party and non-profit alternative youth club, located in the small yet culturally rather vibrant town of Cerkno. The team' activities, based on volunteer work and a D.I.Y. philosophy, included also a gradual refurbishment of the Tinček's House that was temporarily at the disposal for club activities. C.M.A.K. ran its relatively strong programme of concerts, workshops, education programmes, puppet animation, cinema evenings and sport events.

After 13 years, in 2020, the house was demolished. The municipality has not offered an adequate alternative space yet, surely an office space is not a solution.


C.M.A.K. ran its programme together with other youth clubs, cultural organisations across the country and abroad. They were also the driving force behind the Cmakajne Festival of Young Creativity that took place every September up to 2019, they were also a co-producer of the Deuje babe Festival.

The club was of more than a decade one of the venues for the Club Marathon, organised by Radio Študent (RŠ).

C.M.A.K. Cerkno 2009 Kalashnikov Photo Bostjan Trpin.jpgKalashnikov, playing at the 11th Cmakajne Festival of Young Creativity, organised by C.M.A.K. Cerkno in Cerkno every year in September, 2009

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